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Contractor Select by Affiliated Lumber
The Program

Are you a contactor, remodeler,or home builder?

Take advantage of our Contractor Select program that includes discounted volume pricing, home estimates, free same day jobsite or shop delivery, and much more. Our goal is efficiency, as we can provide same day, accurate delivery, while it can take other yards or home centers a day or two to respond.

How To Sign Up

Sign up is easy. Visit Affiliated or have a credit application faxed to you. We then enter your information into our system, providing you with a customer number. This allows you to keep an account for your current projects. Our system allows you to keep your jobs separate for the entire month.

  • You can come in, call, or fax an order for a new construction, and at the same time, place an order for finish products for another job.
Purchasing & Billing

Affiliated takes care of all paperwork concerning your purchases.

Orders can be faxed or called in, delivered or picked up. Reliability is our goal in orders and delivery. Project managers or your employees can pick up the orders. Running orders can be kept in our computer or printed out and signed for at any time.

Billing is done at the end of every month (or at any desired time) and an itemized bill is sent from each job. A summary page totals the job totals for easy billing.

Comments or Questions?

Be sure to call Affiliated with any questions you may have about our contractor's program. You can also visit the forum page and ask questions or make comments over the internet. We are happy to answer and questions or concern you may have.

Pricing? - Delivery? - Billing? - Ordering? - Design?

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Revised: 15 Mar 2004 15:38:18 -0500 .